Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hispanics and Retirement: Challenges and Opportunities

Hispanics in the United States face an especially standard of living throughout their retirement. This is due to several factors. On average, Hispanics in the U.S. today have lower levels of educational attainment, less earning power, and a lower level of savings than non-Hispanics.

Hispanics in the United States are less likely than non-Hispanics to have an employer sponsored retirement plan, which puts them at a disadvantage for accumulating retirement income. In addition, many Hispanics work in service jobs or small businesses that do not provide retirement plan options to their employees. Compounding these trends is the fact that many Hispanics in America today lack the financial literacy necessary for sound retirement planning.

Although Hispanics share a common language, they are a diverse group with distinct cultures and unique circumstances. Hispanics represent a wide range of educational attainment, occupations and income levels. Many families can trace their heritage to the continental United States, while others are recent immigrants with limited work experience and a lack of savings or access to retirement savings vehicles. All of these factors greatly impact how effectively Hispanics are able to provide for their retirement needs.

Read the Full Report [PDF]


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